In 2008, Iman Awad was appointed by Governor Martin O’Malley to work within the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives serving the Governor’s Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs. Currently, Ms. Awad serves as the Administrative Director for both the Governor’s Commissions on Middle Eastern American (established in 2007) and African Affairs (established in 2009). Ms. Awad graduated from the Loyola University, Maryland in 2008 with a degree in Political Science and Economics. She was also the founder and first President of the Loyola Muslim Student Association. Born and raised in Maryland, Ms. Awad’s parents are originally from Cairo, Egypt and Tripoli, Greece.In 2009, she was awarded the “Outstanding Youth Professional” award through the Maryland Middle East American Chamber of Commerce and was elected as the youngest serving President of the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee Maryland Chapter. In 2013 she advanced Governor O’Malley as his only Arab staff member on his delegation to Israel, Jordan and Palestine. Ms. Awad serves on the newly formed Maryland Arab American Committee which works with several organizations to promote education and awareness of the Arabic culture.