It was an Honor to be among all these bright students with vivid visions. Thank you Adal School, Team and teachers for inviting me to celebrate the end of the full year of Eritrean language and culture learning in Virginia, alongside His Excellency Berhane G Solomon Ambassador of Eritrea. Thank you for promoting Eritrean language and culture among the youth in the diaspora.

One of my missions during my reign is to inspire the youth, particularly young Africans, , so that they grow up knowing they are unique in purpose just as they are in their appearance. This way, they will recognize the gift they possess and utilize it to their fullest potential. Once we achieve this goal, we must never forget to ensure that Africa gets to partake in the fruits of our talents.

And last but not least, I want to congratulate the high school graduates once again, some of whom aspire to join prestigious universities like Harvard. You have all been an inspiration to me as well.
Thank you my sweet Haboba, you don’t even make dresses, but you made this one with Love
And shoutout to my glam team
MUA Makeup by nevi
Hair @lavoure
Photographer #wedisewra