A very determined young, beautiful, intelligent and well educated woman, Miss Senegal USA 2015 , Zeynab Koroma is turning her own traumatic personal experience into a winning battle against the dreaded cultural practice of Female Genital Mutilation. She says “I am not a victim anymore but an Activist determined to put a stop to the practice”. This great advocate who appreciates the platform of Miss Africa USA for allowing her to share her story and develop and action plan against FGM has this month save two young girls in her village in Senegal, from going under the knife. Though she is meeting resistance from those who support the practice, she remains determined to continue to influence change through education and non-judgemental approaches to stopping this practice that leaves young girls scarred for life. Queen Zeynab plans to make her maiden trip to Senegal where she will do more work at the grass root level that will bring a end to FGM.