Miss Africa USA Support For Children In Conflict Regions: A Holiday Fund Raiser Made a Difference
Miss Africa USA organization and the reigning Queen Sherylene Grice wasted no time after learning of the horrific events of Oct 2021 when gunmen went

Queen’s New Year Message in 2021 Was Powerful as The World Navigated The Global Pandemic
Re-Sharing the Queen’s Wishes for 2021 as the world navigated the global pandemic in lockdown. 2020 has come and gone with its many uncertainties, trials

Queen Sherylene Reads Cultural Inclusive Books With Children During Black History Month, promoting diversity and inclusion.
All dressed in her cultural and royal regalia, a very heart warming moment reading to Children and promoting culturally diverse and inclusive Literature at Clinton

Queen, Delegates and Interns Joined Historical Moments To Advocate for Justice and Peace
The Black Lives Movement will remain forever in our memories as one of those moments in history that shook our nation and the world at

At Embassy of Cote’Ivoire Independence Day Celebrations
Queen Sherylene’s presence was impactful when she participated in the celebration of Cote D’Ivoire’s Independence Day at the Embassy in DC. She arrived with delegation

Queen Honoring Harriet Tubman
At the Fraser Mansion in Washington DC, celebrating Black History Month. The Queen joined several dignitaries and members of the Diplomatic corps in the District

A Queen Committed To Mentor the Youth
A Queen whose commitment to impacting the youth spared no time in getting out there, visiting schools in the great state of Maryland to share

All Hail The Queen, Sherylene Grice
A big shout out to Queen Sherylene Grice who was crowned in 2019 and shortly after in the middle of her reign the Global Pandemic

Queen Sherylene, Mentors Young Girls in DMV
Queen Sherylene Grice the reigning Miss Africa USA since 2019 demonstrated a great passion to mentor young girls. She is such a great role model

The Pageant returns after a pause due to Pandemic
Most supporters and fans of Miss Africa USA will remember that 2019 was the last time a Queen was crowned after which the Pandemic hit

Miss Natasha Beckley
Miss Natasha Beckley a Queen of Hearts has made her mark on the pageant stage around the globe for a period of over 4 years

Official Press Release
PRESS RELEASEWASHINGTON, DC: 30 November 2020 – The reigning Miss Africa USA Sherylene Grice, African Diaspora Queens and the African Diaspora Community, Friends of Africa