The Launching of the Queen’s Platform Project, Designing for Diversity once again highlighted the essence of the Miss Africa USA Pageant core value of fostering the spirit of sisterhood. Pageant season will come and go but the bonds formed at the pageant carries on by embracing the sisterhood that develops.
Pageant Delegates from 2023 who are resident in the DMV area pulled together to support Queen Snit. From the phenomenal MC, Porscha Lee Taylor, to amazing host and First Princess Muka Chisaka who was there to check in guests and to coordinate, to Delegates Amini Bonane and Nabila Ivy were there for support while 4th Princess Naomy Roderigues was one of the distinguished Panelists at the Brunch. It was also amazing to have Past Queen Gboea Flumo to share Spoken Word with the guests. A Sisterhood of young and dynamic women leaders indeed.