Congratulations to Miss Zeynab Koroma for using the Miss Africa USA Platform to strongly advocate a cause which is of great concern in so many African Nations. The age old tradition of FGM is very common in so many African countries. While some governments have issued a legal band on the practice, the communities who believe in the practice still carry it out and every day, girls are still being put through this harrowing and traumatic experience of Female Genital Mutilation. Zeynab, Miss Senegal who spoke very strongly about it, brought so many people to tears as she described the practice in Spoke Word she prepared for the Pageant for her Talent and Platform Presentation. She is the voice for the millions of voiceless African Girls who are forced to undergo this procedure and remain scarred for life. Zeynab promises to continue to raise awareness and fight hard to stop this Practice. She is available to speak on this topic are conferences and women’s seminars around the United States and Africa. She is very eloquent and speaks French and English. Please contact us if you wish to invite Miss Senegal USA Zeynab Koroma as a Speaker at your event.