We dedicate the Month of March to honor young Women Leaders and Role Models from the Miss Africa USA Pageant and its affiliates. Join us in congratulating the beautiful, brainy and ambitious young ladies who go above and beyond expectations to do more for themselves and their communities. They are advocates, catalysts for change and they impacting their nations. If you will like to support any of the young ladies we are honoring please do not hesitate to contact us.
Today we give honor to Miss Cameroon USA, Nora Nkengaka Ndemazia

Nora is a Full Time Law Student in the United States of America, her ambition is to specialize in Corporate Law. Very intelligent and focused. She is sending you special greetings from The Republic of Cameroon where she is currently spending 6 weeks, working with orphans and under privileged school children. Miss Nora joined Cameroonian Youth to celebrate the National Youth Day in February, using every opportunity to speak to students in their classrooms about the importance of education. She is providing school supplies, scholarships to support orphans and underprivileged children in various parts of Cameroon.
Working with Children in Cameroon. Scholarship Programs, School Supplies and Books for Children to support education.